Inspirational motivating quote on natural background. Forest or park trees in sunlight. Nature in summer sun.

Why Go Small?

The Small Marketing Agency has deep roots in corporate America. Most of our staff comes from big companies like AT&T, EarthLink, Disney, and Taylor. We've managed marketing and public relations programs for La Quinta, Verizon Wireless, Comcast, Cablevision, and more. We have launched, built out, and maintained products and services you use every day. We know how to market on a large scale.

labrador retriever puppy watching at the hourglass

We also got tired of living in the boardroom.

And the red tape.

And the inability to be proactive.

And the slow decision-making process.

And always playing catch up with the competitors eroding our market share.

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Corporate America is not where innovators go when they have an entrepreneurial spirit. So in 2012 we created The Small Marketing Agency and put our experience to work for companies like yours. We decided the best way to grow as professionals was to stay hungry, so we specialized in start ups and the SMB market the larger agencies don't want to work with.

The average agency retainer is $10,000 per month and we found that to be an absurd price point for companies struggling to qualify for SBA loans. Most new companies operate at a loss at the beginning, so asking for that kind of money upfront only helps one party: the large agency.

Young woman is using laptop for remote conversation with friend. People having fun staying at home.

Our goal is to be your virtual marketing and PR department for your local, regional, and national initiatives.  You only pay for the time you need.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation to see how we can help your company reach its potential.

Go Small, Grow Big.